Ensuring optimal lawn health involves regular core aeration, a process vital for root development, enhancing lawn thickness, reducing thatch, relieving soil compaction, and fostering disease and drought resistance.

Al's Outdoor Services Approach:

Core aeration is essential for promoting healthy root development, improving lawn thickness, and reducing soil compaction. By creating channels in the soil, core aeration allows nutrients, water, and oxygen to reach the grassroots, resulting in a lush, resilient lawn that is better equipped to withstand stressors like disease and drought.

Post-Aeration Benefits:

  • Immediate reduction in soil compaction.

  • Facilitates essential oxygen, nutrient, and water penetration to the roots.

  • Accelerates thatch decomposition.

  • Stimulates root growth into open spaces, resulting in denser turf.

For lawns requiring overall thickening, we recommend overseeding immediately after core aeration.

Timing is crucial, allowing seeds to establish and thrive. Our clients consistently witness remarkable results when following these additional steps. Contact us to schedule your service!